Hand Shower: The Ultimate Bathroom Convenience

hand-showerWhere do you think you spend most of your time in your house? You might think it is the bedroom, living room but it is actually the bathroom. Bathroom is one place where people are willing to splurge a lot of money on. It is the room that is mostly associated with luxury and comfort.

Why is it Important: The reasons for bathrooms being the most important room in the house are as following:

  • Start & End of the Day: You start your day in the bathroom and it is where you end your day before turning in for the night. It is extremely important to have a well-designed bathroom because it can set the tone of your entire day
  • Place to Unwind: While standing in the shower or taking a bath, we let our mind loose. It is the time we use to relax and think about everything and nothing in particular. In short, bathroom is like a sanctuary for us where we can truly alone and contemplate. Having a shower at the end of an exhausting day is like being transported right to heaven.
  • Judgement Criteria: Unconsciously, we tend to judge the people who have a bathroom that is untidy and not esthetically pleasing. If we see that a person’s entire house is spick and span but the bathroom is a mess, we will immediately classify him as being lazy and unclean.


Now that we have established beyond a doubt the importance of a bathroom, we come to the part of choosing a shower for a bathroom. Choosing the right fittings for your bathroom can be a tricky and nerve wrecking experience. In the humble opinion of this writer, hand shower is one of the best inventions of all times. ‘

What is it: A hand shower is just an adjustable shower, which you can hold in your hand. It is composed of a showerhead along with a long flexible three to six inch pipe which is usually attached to water faucet on the other side. These are mounted on the walls as well and can be used on their own as a standalone or in combination to the existing shower.

Why a Hand shower: A hand shower can make your showering experience even more rewarding and comfortable by ensuring water on the exact spot where you need it. The other benefits of a hand shower for bathroom over the traditional wall overheaSaniraywared showerheads are:

  • Can be used both in the standing & sitting position and is especially helpful for elderly people as it gives them more control.
  • Use it to bath kids or pets without overwhelming them with all the water raining down on them from a traditional shower.
  • Adjustable heights owing to the sliding bar by which it is attached to the wall.
  • Keeping your bathroom clean by targeting the specific area of mold. It helps you in ensuring that the all the soap residue has been rinsed away from the shower area after every time.
  • For the environmentally savy people, it is the best choice because of higher water pressure and less quantity of water. So not only is choosing a hand shower for bathroom convenient but also helps in conserving water.
  • If you are thinking that a hand shower is simple and will probably only have one basic spray setting, you are wrong. It is true you can find simple no nonsense ones, but most of them usually come with at least six different spray settings

Choosing the Right One: Like everything else, choices abound in hand showers as well however the most crucial things to pay attention to area:

  • Check the water pressure: No one likes to take a shower with slow water dripping on them. Make sure that you check the water pressure even though mostly hand showers have better pressure than the top mounted ones.
  • Less is More Sometimes: Just because a showerhead has many nozzles does not automatically translates into a better one. More surface area and nozzles mean that more water is required and is dispersed thus resulting in lower pressure. Before choosing a handshower, check if it has EPA WaterSense label. They usually use lesser water and give better pressure and also help in saving your bills.


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